Kamis, 29 April 2010

maaf..saya tak suka kamu!

yah yah yah..saya tau air putih itu banyak manfaat dan kegunaannya buat kesehatan tubuh kita..tapi saya emang bener-bener gak suka air putih..rasanya pait dan bikin eneg..

well..walopun saya gak suka..belakangan ini saya sering ngerasain sakit dan pegel maha dahsyat dibagian persendian..temen-temen dan pacar saya bilang salah satunya adalah saya kurang banget asupan air putihnya.. jadiii..walopun dengan berat hati..sekarang sepertinya saya harus mulai bersahabat dengan air putih..demi masa depan saya..haha..

notes: walopun tiap hari minum air putih saya masih meminumnya dengan porsi alakadarnya saja..yahh..namanya juga proses..step by step aj lakuinnya..

selamat hidup sehat semuaaa..

Rabu, 28 April 2010

never ending story of hanafiah!

i'm a huge fan of the popular novel. after reading "perahu kertas", i was reminded about the novel's of sitta karina. i'm a lover of stories about hanafiah family. the fiction written nicely by sitta karina.

i've read all the series novel of hanafiah..
i never want to stop reading the story of hanafiah.
they are like REAL! sitta karina always be able to bring me into the world of hanafiah.
i love the amazing story about sisi and diaz syailendra putra hanafiah (lukisan hujan and putri hujan dan ksatria malam), i love the touching story about christopher hanafiah and aki (imaji terindah), i love the inspiring story about inez calasandra hanafiah and nikratama zakrie (pesan dari bintang), i love the adventure story about the ninja's bianca safinah hanafiah and sora (seluas langit biru), and last but not leasti love the uniqe story about austin hanafiah and romijn indira singgih (titanium). but.. sitta karina had not yet issued her latest novel about hanafiah.. so..pleaseeee.. immediately create a more recent series of hanafiah..

i'm just curious about the story about "si bad boy nara"..
i'll wait patiently loh sitta karina..=)

perahu kertas attack!

i just finished reading a novel by a great indonesian writer dewi "dee" lestari..and you know what? in the novel a lot of inspirational words.
reading this novel made me like playing with my own feelings, only for a short time i can laugh, smile and cry. this novel can make me fall in love and get hurt at the same time. good work "dee"..=) these few quote that i like in this novel :
  • kadang - kadang langit bisa kelihatan seperti lembar hitam yang kosong. padahal sebenarnya tidak. bintang kamu tetap ada. bumi hanya sedang berputar. (260)
  • "de, sejujurnya, apakah itu menyerah, atau justru bertahan. poyan tidak pernah tahu. bahkan sampai hari ini. apakah ini yang memyerah namanya? barangkali betul begitu, tapi dalam apa yang disebut menyerah, poyan terus bertahan. poyan tidak tahu. tapi hidup yang tahu" (390)
  • "kepala kamu akan selalu berfikir menggunakan pola 'harusnya', tapi yang namanya hati selalu punya aturannya sendiri" (404)
  • "sekarang sudah jelas, bayangan itu punya nam" (422)
  • "carilah orang yang gak perlu meminta apa - apa, tapi kamu mau memberikan segala-galanya". (427)
  • "hati tidak pernah memilih, hati dipilih. karena hati tidak perlu memilih, ia selalu tau kemana harus berlabuh" (430)
Happy Reading..

Rabu, 21 April 2010

skripsi ooh skripsi..

photo evidence of cruelty was beloved teacher mentors,, hahaa ..
revision revision revision and again ..

I really do not agree with the rules of a paper at the end of the semester.
the workmanship that I do not like, because many factors are always hard to deal with later. ranging from lecturers who encountered trouble, got a call too difficult, revised a million times, round trip Jatinangor bandung, create and spread incredibly difficult questionnaire, enter data into the workshop of statistical research, back and forth to the library looking for books, and many more challenges ..

just keep the spirit for this...
skripsi oohh skripsi..

i love this!

so, have you already had a true friend?

Selasa, 20 April 2010

ayo nge-blog!!

yeah..finally i've my own blog..hahaha..

special thanks for santika embundini akbari sang empu nyonyadini.blogspot.com for help me to make this blog..=)

so let's see what I'll write in this blog later..

ayo nge-blog!!

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